Hi I'm SuperChick, AKA Drew Comika, Real name Sarah Allen, what can I say here? I love art, I love drawing, I love seeing new artwork and I enjoy everything, I also like anime, cartoons and comics! I do a few animations every now and then so stay tuned!


University of Ulster

Northern Ireland

Joined on 1/4/11

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SuperChick's News

Posted by SuperChick - August 4th, 2013

Hey guys just to let you all know that I'm doing a little channel focusing on reviewing anime, the first one being Black Rock Shooter but I added in a little bit of animations in it as well, nothing hard but more chibi friendly, also I am also looking for a few voice actors, I'm writing a review for Submarine 707R, (an anime that I got very cheap and there isn't any wonder why)

Soooooooooo, I'll give you more updates on that, in the mean time could you guys give me a critique on this, also give me an insight in whether I should continue voicing as Turtle-chan or not...

It's been a while since I deepened my voice to sound like a guy...

So anyway tell me what you think...


Posted by SuperChick - June 16th, 2013

Hey Guys, just to say I have another animation up and if you'd like, you can have a peek at it.

I only made the animation to practice styles and lip synching the style that I have done in that animation is different than what I usually do.
Because I mostly do a more Japanese Anime type style, I thought I'd try other styles as well so I'm not a one trick pony XD but I still classify myself as a novice in animating but I will try my best from here on out.

Game Grumps Animated Short Up

Posted by SuperChick - June 5th, 2013

So as some people know back in December-January I was working on an animation project called Twin Theory and for a while I guess I could say I was on a hiatus since I was studying but at the same time I don't have a lot on here, originally for Twin Theory it was going to be an introduction type thing to two brothers and how the older one copes with his brother coming out of the closet but recently I've been coming up with loads of ideas for the characters.

Before I even started animating I had a few comics done but they always seemed to focus on the younger brother that hogged the light and I was thinking maybe I should take it to a different direction, keeping some of the characters the same but at the same time having a few more characters added to the roster and adding character development, I have a bad habit of coming up with so many ideas that it's hard to get half of them on paper and then finding out what way to animate them and how it should be done.

I kind of knit-pick about everything and then I seem to be at a block and never get anything done, script writing isn't my best and I usually find it easier creating comics centring around the characters and half the time the content I come up with doesn't make sense or just plain weak which frustrates me but I am trying to get better.

I guess the time for me to stop my chronic bitching is now and actually GET SOMETHING DONE!!!!!!!!!

Posted by SuperChick - May 26th, 2013

Recently I've been redoing Holy Hell Avenue making a short storyboard of it that will either be a comic, animation or flash comic.

I decided to change parts of the script because since the first part of the original script had a lot of terminology in it and seemed a bit complicated, I decided to just make it an introduction of the characters, well two of them anyways.

So Psy if your reading this we'll talk about it later XD

I just recently came back from the BBC One Big Weekend, I was able to see Thirty Minutes to Mars and Olly Moores.

Also me and my friends have started cycling on our bicycles, my legs are sore :'(

Holy Hell Avenue, Comic or Animation?

Posted by SuperChick - May 18th, 2013

So after a couple of weeks and a lot of pressure put on me, the video Natures Crys is finished...

well actually two to three days ago it was a rush to get everything done, my partner even kept sending me Facebook messages to keep me motivated, we even critiqued each others work and tried our best, I like to think that we gave our all in the project.

Originally there was going to be a voice over but when I watched the video with the sound track and all I thought that it might be a little much but whether or not it's good or not, I'll just let you guys decide, whether myself or my partner ever think of doing a remake in the future is up for debate but now that coursework is all sorted I feel a big weight lifted off my shoulders

Now I'm just going to relax and chill, updating my blog and get a few animations done because I need this long break to find out how to relax and chill again XD


Posted by SuperChick - May 15th, 2013

Recently I have been told that when me, my brother and two older cousins were younger we had a habit of wandering off into the unknown, my brother disappeared from our house one day and my dad told me that it took my entire family two hours to only realise that he was playing on a swing set that a neighbour recently added to his garden for his own kids.

My two older cousins had an incident when they were younger, their both sisters, the older one of the two had a history of walking off and disappearing for a time.
This one day, she and her younger sister were dressed in bunny costumes when they were small, my uncle recently build a wall to keep my older cousin from wondering off when he turned round and told my aunty, dad and mother that he's glad that he built the wall to keep my cousins in, he turned round to see my older cousin throwing the tricycle over the wall, proceeding to climb over and tug her younger sister over with her, they both then hopped on the tricycle and drove away, when I was told this today I was in stiches laughing for ages, cause all I could picture was two pieces of bunny ears being seen from behind the wall.

Apparently I was also an escape artist, my father telling many a tale of when I was small, my aunt had an experience with my skills , there was this one occasion where I apparently ran off to another caravan and sat in the back, my father was hysterical and searched the entire caravan complex only to see me moments later at the back of a caravan where the rest of the family were at the front watching the world cup and then asked politely would he be able to get me out of the caravan.

My aunt told me when we were up in Dunluce centre she had me in a little pram, she was paying attention to the gift shop until a woman alerted her that I ran out of the centre and headed to the park.

My dad even turned round and told me I could use these as animation plots if I wanted too.

When me and my brother were kids, I always wanted to hang out with him, like any young child would want to do.
There was this one day where I wanted to hang out with my younger brother and his best friend, so I tried to follow him and his friend about the place until they tied me to the front gate and disappeared, I remember being there for hours until my mom drove back from work.

Although I did get revenge, ten plus more years of torturing him mentally with my pranks and crazy ideas (I was kind of an evil toddler or so I'm told).

Posted by SuperChick - May 13th, 2013

So I've gotten back to animating in After effects for my school project because the deadline is coming up soon and I really want this out of the way so I can have some fun.
I like Fun, so there will be more development on this project, the other project, Twin Theory (Although might be changed because Psy explained to me what it actually meant, I just thought it sounded cute but it might have to be changed, p.s. we'll discuss that later Psy)

Not much happening to me lately just that university classes have finished up and I am stuck in coursework mode, the moment I finish coursework, a little bit of TLC and then start on random animation projects again.

On another note:

Me and my brother, we can be the best of friends and the worst of enemies but for the past two weeks we've been getting along fine (define fine by annoying each other and helping the other) although these past weeks were great
Well not really, my brother asked me to order a game on my Play.com account, Europa, he's really into his stradegy games, I'm more for the games that beat the shit out of other characters

(fighting games calm me, plus I'm gay for Kasumi and Helena, straight for Hayate and wouldn't mind a three way with numerous characters but lets leave my tastes at the door thank you very much)

So anyway he's been pestering me about this game so I ordered it for him, when he got it, he has been playing it for the past couple of months and keep telling me that he has been through fifty years building an empire (I think he secretly wants to take over the world, but then again anyone playing games like Europa do)
So when I ask him if he wants to play games when our friends come up he'll say he'll come down later, takes him until nearly eleven pm to get down the stairs.

Another thing that has happened these weeks is that when we went out with our friends we were playing a game of where you hit a bar down with a hammer to see how strong you are. My brother was mortified to learn that I am slightly more stronger than him (probably because I imagined the teacher that never turned up for class(if any of my teachers find this, I have no problems with you guys, your awesome, I just get a LITTLE annoyed when I'm the last one to get the email and I'm in the room for an hour and a half))

Always CHECK your EMAILS!!!

PLEASE!!!!! :'(

So I gave my older brother some advice, basically telling him to picture the people that give him angry phone calls at the call centre he works and let it out.

So he did, nearly beat, just nearly...

Why do guys have to be so competitive? I remember beating my brother at Mario Kart on the Wii and he nearly lost it...

I love you bro, just don't throw the wii kart wheel at me.

Back to Animating Natures Cries, Another My Brother My Frienemy

Posted by SuperChick - May 8th, 2013

Sorry for not updating for a while people, just going through a little hiatus (I don't see how that's possible since I only have one Animation up here)

But I had one of the most weirdest dreams in the world and this one takes the Lesbian dream I had with Abby from NCIS down to second place (Don't even ask).

I was at a holiday resort with some of my friends, we were on the beach, I turned my head up to the sand dunes and saw two people walking down it casually and then another couple sliding down it, so I went up and saw there was a sand slide (not sure how that was possible) but then I was running to the bathroom.
So there were three cubicles there and I heard someone coming so I hopped into one but before I could do anything I found the the walls of the cubicle have turned into curtains and then when I think it was safe the one near the toilet disappeared revealing four people sitting by a table so I waited until they left only to see that the other curtains that were up where also gone, so I was standing near a toilet where the entire bathroom turned into a freaking restaurant and also that there was a line of people waiting to go behind me.

A waiter comes up to me and asks if everything was okay, I replied saying that the curtains for the toilet are gone and he said to go anyway to where I replied "HELL NO" and left before anything else weird happened I woke up when I was told that I was late for Badminton.

Lately I've been going through one of my phases where I draw furry characters, It's something that I've been going through from time to time where I see one comic involving furry characters and I have an urge to JUST DRAW THEM!!!!

The Weirdest Dreams Where You Wonder What The Heck They Mean!!!!

Posted by SuperChick - April 22nd, 2013

As you can see I am slowly coming back to full strength, even if it is a little step like piking up a pen and drawing with it. Today I feel more happy than all the other times and being able to forget the bad thoughts that plagued my head, now if only I can get back to doing my coursework.
I seem to be more interested in watching anime now a days than working which is a bad sign, but I'll reign myself in from the temptation.

Anyway I always find that drawing traditionally is more fun from digital because I can actually feel my artwork taking shape and giving them life even if half the time they seem to be a little bit off by a small margin.

I actually came up with these two for a while but they look different than what I had envisioned them to look, Piyo was meant to have headphones and Sora was suppose to have a more Sasuke Uchiha look but then they ended up like this.
Although what was funny was that I posted this to the LGBT group for University by mistake (I'm the representative for them) but then I didn't realise until a classmate of mine asked me if they were a couple, so I jokingly replied "Maybe XD"

Colouring in with copic markers is something that I enjoy doing more than anything, I actually wouldn't mind taking up painting but I can't paint to save my life but who knows I might give it a whirl.

Days like this

Posted by SuperChick - April 17th, 2013

Hi guys, sorry for not updating as much as I should be, I'm sticking with University for now and I made an appointment with a councillor, but they won't be able to see me until May for they are booked.

I'm hanging in there and not giving up, little by little I hope to get better emotionally and physically, I've also been watching an anime that a friend recommended to me 'Say "I Love You"', it really cheered me up from months of unhappiness, I hope to better myself and find things that'll cheer me up, lately I've realised that I've been drawing for others rather than myself and I know that's selfish of me but I feel like it I'm not putting every I have into it, and when your going into something like Graphic Design you have to forget that your drawing for yourself.

I'll be honest, I use to enjoy drawing for myself and no one else, it's selfish I know but I rather do things that make me happy, it's just for now my hand has decided to go on a drawing free hiatus until I get my head together.
Plus I've been daydreaming a lot and always find myself alone, so I'm going to better myself not just for my benefit but for everyone around me.

Drawing and Animating is all good but I'll admit I actually enjoy hanging out with my friends more and I'm concerned about a good friend of mine who is not feeling so good and I just want to be there for her as she tries to get better (it's bad when you get the Chicken Pox at our age).

If you want to send a PM on an animation or anything, just for an opinion or a private word then I'm all for it, maybe I'll give you an idea, a tip or two if I'm feeling generous.