Hi guys, it's me again, after a lot of thought I feel like I should commit myself to one project, so I'm going to start on one episode of this project and see how it goes, I'm currently looking for three male or female voice actors for three characters.
It's a parody on Greek Mythology, during my entire time off I've been reading greek mythology and found some of it funny XD
I'm not just looking for anyone, I'm looking for people that can be over the top and can be very loud when the occasion calls for it XD
Down below is a picture of what two of them, Hades and Zeus look like currently, there will be more updates on the other characters later.
Summary: Hades, Poseidon and Zeus are three brothers who happen to rule most of Olympus, what history knows is a fraction of the truth but in this case the reality of what happened is probably stranger…
The oldest brother of the three who overthrew his father Cronus along with his brothers, tricking their father in a game of cards where the brothers have won.
In the tales about the three brothers drawing lots on who should rule Olympus, in this version Hades who was uninterested in the position switched the lots so that his younger brother, Zeus can rule. However years after that he has come to regret his decision because his younger brother constantly comes to him or Poseidon because of something that he has done and is afraid of, which is mostly Hera related.
Hades has a short temper and suffers from high blood pressure, he is good friends with Thanatos and has a cute fluffy dog named Cerberus. Hades does have three children and can be both strict and protective of them, this protectiveness goes on to his nieces and nephews, he and his wife have an understanding.
Voice Type: Medium
Line 1: (Annoyed)Did you ever read those tales that the humans write about us?
Line 2: (Annoyed) Nope! They made it out to be one epic battle, why do the humans make everything dramatic?
The only part they did get right was when our father castrated our grandfather, (sympathetic) poor grandpa Uranus.
Line 3: (Angry) I mean that isn’t even what happened, what happened was that she wondered into the Underworld willingly and just refuses to leave!!!
NOTE: It should be noted that I was thinking a british accent would be good for Hades, although you can give it a go without the accent
The youngest of the three brothers and was the main one who overthrew their father Cronus by playing the cheating hand of cards.
In the tales about the three brothers drawing lots on who should rule Olympus, in this version Zeus was unaware that his older brother switched the lots allowing him to become the ruler of Olympus. Years after the decision, Zeus has proven to be a good ruler if not for the fact that he has a adulterous streak and gets into trouble and is fearful of his wife, Hera, he usually runs towards Hades or Poseidon for help.
Zeus is a kind hearted, gullible and on more than one occasion plays pranks and gets into trouble, he sometimes gets told off by his older brothers for being impulsive. Unlike Hades and Poseidon, Zeus leaves his children to their own devices, some of his children look towards Hades and Poseidon for parental supervision.
Voice Type: High-Medium
Line 1: (Cheerful) I read a few of them! They were funny!
Line 2: (Disgusted, grossed out) Eeeeew if that was true then wouldn’t it be incest? That’s gross!
Line 3: (Oblivious) Really? He seemed fine to me
NOTE: A woman or man can voice as Zeus, for him he has to have a little childish, innocent sounding voice, but also has to sound devious when he hits on women.
The middle child of the three brothers and also helped out with overthrowing their father Cronus by playing a game of cards in which they won in.
In the tales about the three brothers drawing lots on who should rule Olympus, in this version Poseidon was aware that his older brother was not interested in being the ruler of Olympus and expressed doubts when Hades switched lots with Zeus however when Zeus proved to be a good ruler if not for a few little hiccups here and there Poseidon was usually tasked with overlooking his younger brother’s mishaps and try to clean it up.
Poseidon is the middle child so he is tasked with keeping the peace between Hades and Zeus, he cares about both of his brothers but sometimes needs a little bit of time to himself. Poseidon has many children and has a soft spot for all of them and his consort, Amphitrite.
Voice Type: Medium-deep
Line 1: (Not really interested) Hm? Not really no, what business is it of ours to see what humans write about?
Line 2: (disgusted) It’s frightening what they wrote, did they at least get the part where we defeated our father over a card game?
Line 3: (Wondering) How did that turn out for you?
NOTE: I'm not too worried about Poseidon's voice, the only thing I can think on is that he has to sound mature since he is the middle child, think of him as the babysitter to his brothers.
DEADLINE: Deadline will be the end of October, so October 31st 2013
Where to send Auditions? - You can send me a private message or to anonymousbrowneyedgirl@yahoo.co.uk