Hi I'm SuperChick, AKA Drew Comika, Real name Sarah Allen, what can I say here? I love art, I love drawing, I love seeing new artwork and I enjoy everything, I also like anime, cartoons and comics! I do a few animations every now and then so stay tuned!


University of Ulster

Northern Ireland

Joined on 1/4/11

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SuperChick's News

Posted by SuperChick - April 9th, 2013

Lately I have been thinking whether or not that I should stay in University, there are a couple of reasons why I want to leave and why I want to say.

When I'm on the course in University I feel really depressed and I feel overwhelmed by everything, I'm afraid if I leave the course that others would judge me but when discussing it with my family they say that they will not judge me and respect my decision, I broke down so many times from stress and pressure of being perfect at it but I have to be honest and say that not only do I think it's not for me but it's pulling my moods down, plus we don't really interact in class with each other that much even when we're in our groups and it just feels rather lonesome sometimes.

Also I'd like to point out that the course I'm doing isn't an Animation course

The pro would be to go through it and get a degree at the end of it but that's the only thing I can think off...

I've already got a good amount of qualifications from GCSE, 1st Diploma to National and Higher National but I'm going to think about it for a week and see the course co-ordinator tomorrow and discuss my options.

I know that I am the only one who can make this decision, I have to make a choice to decide what I should do, to leave or stay that is the question.

Decisions to make

Posted by SuperChick - April 3rd, 2013

Even though me and my brother get along, there are times where either of us gets the wrong idea about the other, sure we love watching anime and talking about the fandoms and ideals but there were times where either he or me get really carried away with what we like or what we're watching at the moments.

A few years ago my brother started watching a particular anime which made him paranoid about EVERYTHING, I can't remember what it was called but it involved a kind of time loop and students killing each other, well anyway back to the incident, when I came up with a tuna sandwich (which he asked me to make) and set it down on the table he then turns at me, pauses the video and asks me if it was poisoned.
As a younger sister, hearing your older brother being extremely paranoid was not only bizarre but weird and he was usually very logical about these things and was the 'adult', 'mature' and 'grown-up' one of us, I just stood there for a moment and wondered why he would say such a thing.
So I told him rightly that he's been watching too much of that particular ANIME and that he should stop watching it.

So another tale about me and my older brother dealing with each other

Posted by SuperChick - April 2nd, 2013

Okay I have a little script written of one episode and I actually want to animate it
But I need to finish some other animations at the moment, so for anyone interested, here are three characters, if you'd like to have a look at the script send me an email.

Got A Little Script Written

Posted by SuperChick - March 22nd, 2013


Nah but seriously I need to relax from all the stresses that University and my own personal dramas put on me, so last year my town was given the title of city of culture, some people might know this (or not) but since we were given the title there hae been a view things added to our town, one would be a bridge and another was transforming the old army barracks into a type of gathering place where everyone can come and see our nicely painted cow statures 0_o I know, it's kind of weird that we have a red cow statue with airplane wings dedicated to Amelia Earhart but then who am I to judge.

But anyways there are some things in my town that I think that the town spent on which could be used in other areas, like what about the old pot holes on one of the roads.

We do have some weird things around down, like for example when we're celebrating the traditional holidays like Easter, Christmas and valentines day we have decorations placed all over the place, especially in one of the shopping centres, we hae these eggs hanging from the ceiling, when it was christmas we had a giant bolloon with teddy bears which was odd because the years before we had a giant christmas tree placed in the centre.

We don't have a Thanksgiving holiday though or a July 4th holiday but we do have a marching parade and bands performing on the day when the thirteen apprentice boys sealed the gates off to the walled city when the Jacobites were invading and held them off until the royal navy came round, at the time it was considered a Williamnite stronghold and as you can guess we party like mad but we have toned it down a bit since we were all there to have fun.

We like to party, well most of us, if your like me your just there for the atmosphere and having a good laugh.

So I'm working with Psychopath at the minute and I know I'm probably a pain to get motivated to work but

Ps. I don't know what's up with the photo but why is it upside down 0_o it wasn't like that then i checked it in my folder


Posted by SuperChick - March 19th, 2013

Don't worry it's not bad or anything, well actually it is, today I was in class and drank a lot of juice today, (I can't have diet coke anymore) so we did our presentations, they seemed to have taken forever and at the end of class my teacher won't stop talking for nearly two hours as I sat there mentally screaming "Why won't you let me peeee!! DX" and trying my best not to scream at the top of my lungs because of the annoyance.

This wasn't the only thing that kicked me in the shin this week, I recently got a Blue Exorcist part one DVD, it cheered me up, the dvd wasn't scratched, the dvd was actually delivered on time and was an excellent show (until I went online and watched the rest of the series and seen the anime only episodes, why didn't they wait until the manga was finished)
It was just that even though the box said Region 2 and that it has both english and japanese dub, the Japanese dub was the only one that was on the disk.

Now on to the actual DVD, since it is mostly based on the first volumes of the manga, I enjoyed them alot, even though the characters were cliched but it was done in a great way that I found myself in stitches, the characters were great.

But in all honesty I just got it because I heard a couple of my fav voice actors are in it plus I'm a sucker for brotherly relationships (I like shipping two characters together but not twincest or if they have blood ties to each other, that's just a line you don't cross unless theres a reason why(like if their step siblings or something)), at first you think the the two main characters had a great relationship but then you realise it gets a bit rocky as the story progresses (especially since Yukio seems to be paranoid with his older brother's safety, at least it's not like Ragna and Jin from Blaz Blue, but David Vincent appears as another blond hair knight in this series).

If I had to short the thing down then I would have to say it's a combination of Naruto/Soul Eater/Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist (mainly because Studio Bones was behind it, Studio Bones is known for making some great anime in the past(or am I getting that wrong?))

So I would recommend Blue Exorcist because of the story and how it keeps close to the manga in the first half of the series however I do hope they do what they did with Fullmetal Alchemist and create a new series when the Manga is finished.
That would be cool...

At the minute I'm also waiting on another DVD I ordered No.6, hopefully no one screws me over and I get both the english and japanese dubs this time, also I like writing about shows that I like, I kind of also like TOME lol, maybe I should do a blog review on that sometime but also there are probably so many people doing that and I don't want to sound like a suck up lol.

Posted by SuperChick - March 16th, 2013

I don't know why I'm writing about my brother on Newgrounds but last night I was feeling really, really low, my big brother noticed and got the old DVD's of the Dirty Pair Flash (you know the old anime where two girls are agents and protect the world kind of thing lol) Well anyway it cheered me up, I wouldn't call my brother my best friend, he's more of a frienemy, he is a friend but other times we're enemies.
Everyone who has a big brother would know this, especially if your their little sister or brother that you feel more friendly with them than you do with any other member of your family, it's because they know all your strengths and weaknesses and you can talk to them about everything (okay not exactly EVERYTHING but you know what I mean)

Well last night me and my brother were watching the Dirty Pair Flash and if Kei and Yuri were a couple who would be the top and who would be the bottom, I liked the pairing Yuri/Kei, even though Yuri was the feminine girly girl and Kei was the gun taunting tomboy with attitude it's just I never see Kei as a proper top because she seems like a tsundere in the Flash series and Yuri, as girly as she is never seems to settle down with a guy and keeps track of Kei when she leaves the 3WA.
But my brother admits that even though Yuri would make a good top that she would have to plan things while Kei is more spontaneous.

So after so much arguing we agreed that Kei and Yuri were a more reversible pairing depending on the situations that lay out before them and you must be wondering why it's weird for a sister and brother talking about pairings between two girls, I admit I'm more for the opposite side of the coin and into pairings involving two guys but its just I like a bit of diversity and character development plus Dirty Pair Flash was a laugh to watch and was fun.

Posted by SuperChick - March 14th, 2013

I'm always a little bit wary of doing commissions for others because it is an area that I have not ventured into before, but since I could use a little bit of income at the moment I've been thinking of starting things off with Chibi commissions, if you'd like to see the chibi's there are a few of them on my Newgrounds account and my devaitnart account.

Still thinking on this but I will post later on more details...

Posted by SuperChick - March 12th, 2013

Just a quick update on some changes done on the project for my University work, recently I have joined forces with a classmate who is also a good friend of mine, we're both doing this jointly and after talking about the project for nearly two hours last night made some changes to the script and direction of it.

The project is still going to be animated but we have come to a conclusion on many things, one of these is that we're going to be going for a female voice actress but you can still send in your auditions (for my preference I just like the position to be filled by anyone who we think is suitable, plus at the beginning I was going to base the main character as either male or female depending on the narrator)

Another factor is that instead of the narrator reading all nine short paragraphs, the first four-five would be alright. As me and my partner have establised while going through ideas that the other sections of the poem would probably disrupt the flow of the animation's plot so we had to shorten it down.

Plus for any animations I'm doing in the future it might be a good idea to send a demo, lol, sorry for not replying back to many people's posts it's just everything is being really hectic here at the moment with coursework and all.

Any questions or requests please send me an email or private message on Newgrounds.

Posted by SuperChick - March 4th, 2013

Oooooookay, Twin Theory is going to be placed in the champagne box for a while since I kind of told my teacher that I was thinking of doing a short animation based on a poem I wrote when I saw a Robin in my Garden :S
Soooooooo I'm going to be preoccupied, if there is anyone interested in doing voice work (lets face it my voice isn't exactly GREAT XD)

If you interested send me a PM and I'll give you a link or send you a copy of my little poem...

It's kind of environmentally friendly...

Posted by SuperChick - February 21st, 2013

I don't know why but lately I've been going through a little bit of a young life crisis, lately I've been contemplating where I'm going with my life, because over here in Northern Ireland there's basically no jobs going anywhere and if there are, you either do not get a reply back or they tell you by email :'(

And I know it's the same for nearly everyone around the world but I'm slowly trying to get myself cheered up again >_<
One step at a time...

Plus I have thought about doing a web comic for a long time, it justs getting from A to B for me