As some people may recall there was a project I wrote about called Tales Of Olympus, not the JRPG series, it was a small comedy series about the greek gods and making fun of the mythology around it.
I actually did try to get it started but there were a few things here and there, while choosing a voice actor the one character I thought would be the easiest to cast for ended up being the hardest, I portrayed this character in particular to be kind hearted and rather guillble but is actually a good leader and has luck with the ladies, I was thinking of something like America from Hetalia in this respect but of course while trying to find someone who would fit the role turned out to be rather difficult, some people kind of portrayed him to be goofy but I guess that's what they thought from the way I wrote him.
I shelved it originally because I felt I couldn't give it any justice, sure I can draw but drawing and animating are two different forms of art, I love both of course don't get me wrong, writing scripts and storylines on the otherhand is something I also rather enjoy.
In fact for the past couple of months I have been writing a different, slightly more serious story but that may become a comic in the future once I get the kinks out of it here and there, sometimes I find it rather strange, there was another character I wrote about, a side character that acted as a temporary love interest but is killed off and hands his power over to the actual love interest but after some time writing for the side character I came to like the interaction they had with the main character and decided to keep him alive, it seemed rather dark on my part if I killed off such an interesting character.
I think when it comes to writing for characters that you create, you feel a strong connection to them and the relationships they make with others.
I love writing characters and their interactions with others, I find relationships to be very interesting, how two characters can feel a strong kinship with eachother, how even though they agree on some issues but have completely different views, even when they get into fights they still look to the other for guidence and to help them along their journey as they figure out who their meant to be and who they are.
Sorry I'm rambling but I just find it fascinating sometimes :)
I'll voice act the character for you if you'd like.
I might un-shelf Tales of Olympus but when I do get started on it and work out some kinks I'll give you a buzz :)