Hey guys
Sorry for the long moments of silence and not posting a lot of blog posts on here as I use too, I’m just mostly posting art on here some days
Thought I would also mention that if you want me to do a paid commission or a piece sometimes to give me a buzz and we can discuss details or even do it as a collab, it can be for a preview to an animation your doing or even an album cover or just a normal piece of art that works too
Lately I’ve been active on my instagram as I've been posting a couple of sketches every now and then on there, check me out at Sarah RandomDesu Allen https://www.instagram.com/drewcomika/ on instagram
The @ link doesn't go to a valid NG site... can always put the Instagram link in the left link pod thingy ;) still got more for a few more links (10 max)
Thanks V XD Haven't heard from you in ages, how you been buddy?